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Find Out What Grows
in Your Region
The native plants that thrive in your area may be different depending on where in the city you live. Use the resources below to see what will grow happily on your landscape.
Remember that multiple eco-regions intersect Travis County. This means that the plants native to your region will differ slightly between West, East, and Central Austin due to various soil types and geographic features.
Native Plant Society of Texas
The Native Plant Society of Texas (NPSOT) maintains a comprehensive database of all Texas plant species along with tip sheets and guides for native gardening.
Passionflower vine and flower (Passiflora Incarnata) at Sunshine Community Garden in Central Texas. My picture.
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Find natives for any project or ecoregion using the plant lists and collections created by the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.
Desert willow in the Brentwood neighborhood of Austin. My picture.
Homegrown National Park
Plants that support the largest numbers of wildlife, so you get the most bang for your buds!
Pollinators on a prairie sunflower (Helianthus petiolaris) in the Brentwood neighborhood. My picture.
Texas Audubon Society
The Audobon Society works to support native bird species across the country. Find native plants that will help you attract and feed birds and other wildlife in your area.
Hummingbird on a Flame Acanthus. Credit: MARK KLYM. Copyright: MARK KLYM, TPWD ©2010. Original.
Find everything you need to know about native Texas plants below.